Ready to turbocharge your social media content and create a real connection with your followers? Animation could hold the key! From GIFs to long-form explainer videos or illustrations—the type of animation you use has immense influence when it comes to making an impression. 

To serve as an aid and a helpful point of reference for content managers or marketers, in this blog post, we’re exploring different types of animation solutions that can spice up your brand socials and capture attention on feeds. Read on for a crash course in animation design and learn slick strategies to make sure your content stands out from the crowd.

1. Motion Graphics Animation

Motion Graphics Animation - Genesis Motion Design

First up, we have motion graphics animation, which are animated visuals with text and audio that enhance and explain content. In the world of digital marketing, motion graphics have become a must-have tool for brands and businesses in Singapore and beyond. 

Whether highlighting key product information, breaking down complex campaign infographics or even listing out promotional package details—these eye-catching visuals provide opportunities for companies to communicate their message in a dynamic manner. 

Often incorporated with a voiceover or text captions, the creation and use of motion graphics in animated stories, reels or posts on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook is informative and highly attractive.  Recent reports show that 90% of users continue to find visual information more appealing than static information, and this is an insight that brands should continue to harness with the use of motion graphics to increase engagement and optimise click-through to end rates. 

Check out our agency’s motion graphics project to showcase Fagerdala’s whisper foam!

2. 2D Animation

2D animation is another great option to provide viewers with more clarity on your company’s message, as well as make the process more entertaining. From cartoons to hand-drawn art or whiteboard animation— this type of social media content ignites creativity and provides an opportunity for brands to tell a story in fun yet informative ways. 

Due to the level of technical expertise  required, 2D animation is usually created with the help and support of experienced animation studios or social media content agencies. Traditionally, this type of animation style is used to teach users about a brand story, guide them through onboarding processes and drive home certain messages with greater emotional impact and clarity. 

For example, take a look at our creative 2D animation ad with Singapore’s Macdonald’s. 

3. 3D Animation

3D animation is a type of computer-generated imagery that provides hyper-realistic visuals. From photorealistic mechanic renderings to mind-blowing fantasy realms, 3D animation is giving companies unprecedented creative freedom when it comes to captivating social media audiences and gathering more followers. 

Frequently incorporated in successful campaigns and branded content strategies—this animation technique allows potential users to explore the workings of engines or games in an interactive manner. Whether you’re looking for a unique way of visualising product models in an interior space or want something more otherworldly—the possibilities are virtually limitless. 

Revel in the 3D details of our collaboration with Razer to promote the Razer Zephyr

Upgrade your Social Media Content with Genesis Motion Design

Upgrade your Social Media Content with Genesis Motion Design

Unleash the creative power within you and let Genesis Motion Design bring it to life. Partnering with us will not only provide you access to an array of animation capabilities and services, but also equip your team with the necessary understanding of the unique advantages of each type of animation technology.

Whether used for brand awareness campaigns or product launches—our Singapore-based experts and creators can help make sure your social media content has maximum impact in no time at all. Contact us now and obtain curated recommendations for your social media platforms ready for an overhaul and uplift.